X Pert Highscore Plus.rar
highscore plus provides detailed data analysis for a variety of x-ray measurements including single crystal and polycrystalline diffraction data, powder diffraction and non-powder diffraction data, and high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (haadf-stem) and x-ray mapping data. highscore plus analyzes diffraction data for both single and multiple crystals with the rietveld method, kappa libraries and multiple custom libraries for phase identification. the advanced profile fitting options can be used to identify the peak profiles of all samples and polycrystals.
with highscore plus you can automatically verify the phase, lattice strain, and multi-phase state of samples. for any given sample, you can automatically determine and model the resulting crystal structure, compute lattice strain, and identify the multi-phase state.
also, as this application is seamlessly integrated into the design-expert software package, any responses are automatically plotted into the response surface. this enables a familiar workflow on any scale, without the need to create, e.g., a contour plot.
[2] photoinduced perturbations of the magnetic superexchange in core-shell prussian blue analogues. elisabeth s. knowles, matthieu f. dumont, marcus k. peprah, mark w. meisel, carissa h. li, matthew j. andrus, daniel r. talham. polyhedron, 66 (2013) 153-156.
the crystal system is tested and a space group is selected. if you want to set a space group, for example p2/c, in malvern panalyticals highscore, this feature is enabled with a checkbox. the cell parameters of the selected unit cell are calculated with the the cell refinement.
design-expert is all about data management and statistics, but what’s data management? data management is the art of organizing, retrieving, analyzing and displaying data using forms and libraries. data management includes displaying and saving data in forms and in tables, in a specialized form that uses the formats, elements and fields that are important for your project. it also includes data sorting and filtering. finally, data management includes quality control, which ensures that data are correct, complete and reliable. data management becomes more important the more data you gather and the more complex your data are. and, if you use more than one software to organize your data, then you’ll need a separate way to keep them in sync. that’s what design-expert can do. click on the link below to download the dx13 feature sheet.
the design of a product rarely starts from scratch. a product life cycle (plc) framework provides a standardized framework for examining the entire product life cycle. the plc framework highlights the need for a design lifecycle (dl) in which new products are constructed. the plc framework details a number of phases, including: product concept, design, prototype, production run, and assembly for a product lifecycle. it also highlights the emerging product as a service model as a new model for designing and developing products and services using a build-measure-learn feedback loop. whereas concepts are mostly tangible, products are tangible and intangible (fitness, speed, and style), and the evolution of products is a mixing of both of them. if the design process is structured only around the tangible, then the design process is limited to producing something that works. the design process needs to go beyond that to incorporate intangible features, such as usability, brand, and aesthetics. this is where the design lifecycle (dl) comes into play. the dl brings design closer to the plc framework. new products are constructed in a structured process that includes defining product goals, identifying product requirements, and developing goals to achieve the specifications of those requirements. design includes more features than simply the shape and color of the product. if it were only about the shape and color, then it would be elementary design, which is usually where the product goes. the vast majority of today’s products are elementary designs and the design process is therefore called design, usually followed by engineering and manufacturing. design-expert’s support for elementary designs becomes even more important when we consider the process template, which relates the template of design decisions to the mechanics of design construction. this turns a product from a concept into a tangible form, thereby providing the design process the greatest freedom to be creative. it also allows the design process to iterate the design decisions until the design conforms to the product’s requirement and needs. furthermore, once the design is complete, the effort to convert the design from a draft, to a tool path, and finally to manufacturing data is greatly reduced. download the dx13 feature sheet.