This kind of website is as rare as the website that only has the last sentence on the entire website.I certainly liked reading it. But seriously, what exactly is with all this spam?
I’d say they just need more likes.
You know like…
How to implement question/answer reviews?
This question is not supposed to be a new question:
How can we incentivize participation in this site’s forums?
But let’s assume that I would like to implement a peer review feature on Stack Overflow. How should I do that? Is there a smart way to keep the reviews useful and meaningful, without bothering too much about spam?
This is something that StackExchange wants to try to address. The more popular sites have it, there have been discussions on meta about doing it.
But, in theory, this won’t work well. It is hard to manage:
There is low visibility of the review queues
Reviewing may not be the right use of the attention of users
There will be cases of spam.
If it is bad, people will notice and report it.
If it is good, people will not notice it and the system can be gamed.
So, the best way to address it is to have an option to have a bot review for you.
As to how the bot should be written, is something that depends on the site. StackOverflow is one of the best at it. On other sites, such as ServerFault and SuperUser, people are willing to do a review and the community usually doesn’t mind whether it is a human or a bot.
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// test operator()() const;
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