Think Social Problems 2013 11.pdf
Think Social Problems 2013 11.pdf
besides ibm, amazon, and leverton, other businesses are also doing computational thinking. spss, a statistical computing program, has a social and personality science laboratory with a goal of using people’s clinicians and research to develop innovative social science and behavioral science methods.
the common core state standards, adopted by 45 states in 2010, aim to ensure that all children in america have the skills to succeed in college and in life. to achieve this goal, teachers and parents must equip children with the tools they need to develop social, emotional, and problem-solving skills. (common core is a big-name name for a set of standards that have been adopted by all states over the last five years.) in order to implement the common core standards, schools need well-prepared teachers who understand that students learn best when they understand the why as well as the how of the material they are learning. in 2013, the emphasis of the common core standards shifts from simply memorizing facts to developing skills to analyze problems and solve them. the standards also aim to establish a common framework in which students can compete in college and the workforce. for more information on the common core standards, visit
computing has provided young children with the essential tools they need to build complex networks of communication and knowledge sharing. as computing permeates all aspects of our society, we are finding that young children with computing tools in their hands are far more prepared to thrive in the future. many adults, meanwhile, are finding that new ways of thinking are required if they are to succeed in the modern economy.
with the rapidly growing number of available technology jobs and a shortage of trained personnel, especially in information technology, computer science education is undergoing a re-evaluation. in this paper, we argue that the growing adoption of non-traditional computing education models are creating new opportunities for students and educators. theories of cognitive development suggest that people learn best by working on problems and solving problems. furthermore, this experience is most likely to occur in an interactive context. we believe that an important part of the future of computing education will be to incorporate technology, problem solving, and interactive learning into the curriculum in ways that are not currently possible in the more traditional computer science courses. we call this approach computational thinking.
connectivism is a theoretical framework that suggests learning occurs when the learner builds connections between multiple levels of information and ideas. it is a relatively new theory and its development is still being refined. it is a theory of learning that is meaningful to the learner and is not based on a single way of learning. it is an approach that promotes higher order thinking and requires deep cognitive development. it is a theory of learning that emphasizes the mental processes of the learner, and not just information. connectivism does not privilege digital or non-digital learning, nor does it discount the power of traditional learning. rather, it offers a lens through which the learner can see all aspects of learning as meaningful and an effective approach to learning.