Kannada Gadegalu With Explanation Pdf 14
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Kannada Gadegalu With Explanation Pdf 14
have a smile, even when your mood is bad. your mood will get better, but it doesnt vanish. when you smile, people get happy for no reason. they are happy just because of your smile. your smile can bring only good to you and to others.
example: if there had been a diva performer then, i could have given more time to my university work.66. get off your soapbox and keep your job for the weekend.
you cant be the root cause of everyone else not having money. you can, however, be the cause of their not being money.
example: it is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. in that case, we should be happy that weve at least made a journey.
its about time we all realized the potential we have and start doing things. no more dozing off, instead, start doing.
if you are not the best at everything, dont bother. even the best in some may be average in all. sometimes, being average may do your work better than being the best in all. you should therefore be content with being better at some than you are, or being average. focus on what you can do, than what you cant. be content, always.17. its not the wounds that hurt. its the scars that remind you.18. you never know until you try.20.
its a common mistake to think that youve found the best solution to a problem when its actually a worse solution than the other choices available. repeating your mistake again and again is a sure way to make things worse.. what do you think? are you listening to kannada gadegalu with explanation pdf 87? has the teaching opened your eyes? kannada gadegalu with explanation pdf 87 – listen by t. muralidhara also on s.s papanasam pvt. ltd. kannada gadegalu with explanation pdf 87. listen by t. this is a kannada language lesson by r. sharath kumar. r. sharath kumar is an alumni of the al-hamdiyya school of arabic studies,. english kannada gadegalu with explanation pdf 87.pdf download in this getabstract www.getabstract.com/kannada-gadegalu-with-explanation-pdf-87.435446.pdf by naresh. pdf download in this getabstract www. pdf in this getabstract www.
the first step to breaking a habit is to admit you have a habit and agree that you want to break the habit.58. to be or not to be – that is the question.if you dont know whether to choose the path, the path leads to nowhere. be decisive, and choose what you want to be.
habit makes our life. habit makes our routine. habit makes our comfort zone. if you want to change something in your life, you have to break some habit.59. you are as healthy as your thoughts.if our thoughts are strong, we are healthy. we become sick when our minds are weak.
you shouldnt take advice from someone who came out of the chaotic jail.example: the vice president was all set to leave google and lead twitter, but google somehow convinced him not to leave as it knew that its easy to find a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a good general.31. the moment you begrudge a suggestion, itll be too late to reject it.immediate rejections, or turning down an advise thats being proffered, are evil. its never too late to change course or make amends for a past mistake. dont let your ego come in between.47. the length of days is the same for all. the depth of the river can change, however.48. your enemy is not the person you oppose, but the set of conditions that have led to the opposition.hive minds are in the business of resistance.example: its always a good approach to examine the situation from the other person perspective. 49. she got everything, and thats why she pays me to give advice.dont take the advise of a person who received what you want.50. most of our decisions are dictated by the levels of fear and self doubt we have within us.fear of losing face and self doubt dictate all our decisions. however, to be and do what you want, you must overcome them.