The beginning of this year and the end of last year were both very busy for the users of this website. In between, this site has added some interesting features to its site which made it one of the best places to download files. It has a huge number of movies that are new or added in 2015 (in HD quality). It also allows users to download files in HD quality.
Piratebay is a massive repository of both cracked and legitimate software. They have no keygens, hacks, cracks or serial numbers of any kind on the site. They also have no virus scans of the software files. The site has a very minimalistic and user-friendly design. The menu on the left navigates you through the various categories on their site. They have two sections for pirated and legal software. However, they can get pretty crowded, as they handle almost a billion downloads each month.
Aquous is a torrent site that helps users download software, games, and other media files. Besides having a huge collection of torrents, it has a secure torrent search, a video-on-demand section, and a subreddit. They also have a full-featured mobile app available for download.
Hedfu is the worlds largest review site for digital download services, including game and software download sites. This site includes more than a dozen notable download portals (Microsoft, Gamefly, Full Sail, EG, etc.) and thousands of other content websites. The site includes legal, pirated, cracked software, and everything in between.
TigerDirect is one of the biggest online retailers in the world, with more than 2.1 billion paid and free downloads of products each year. It also serves as an online store for thousands of PC products, peripherals, and gadgets. The site hosts a huge number of torrents with lots of new or popular software titles for download. It also hosts a massive selection of other products like DVDs and accessories. To top it off, it has an excellent customer support service.